Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Yes, we have anarchists in the Libertarian Party. They keep looking for new ways to shrink government, issue by issue, just as so many liberals..."

"Yes, we have anarchists in the Libertarian Party. They keep looking for new ways to shrink government, issue by issue, just as so many liberals and conservatives keep looking for ways to expand it." - Michael Hihn

Obama's pet, Hilary Clinton, went to Mexico recently. What was the purpose of her visit? Why, to promise more raping of the people of the United States of America, of course! How could she facilitate this rape-age? By stealing the taxpayers money, rights, and weapons!

You see, she went to Mexico to promise that the taxpayers really, really want to send more of their hard-earned income (during a recession) over to our amigos to the south. The money will go to- you guessed it- expand their government! Because more money, less problems. Er, no, I meant more government, less problems. Oh, actually, that has never worked. So what is this money supposed to be used for, anyway? To expand Mexico's version of the War on Drugs! Yay! Every country needs a good war or three. Americans don't like it when other countries have things we don't- like freedom to do what you want (not that Mexico has it, but we want to pre-emptively insure that they don't get it any time soon). Not that our government hasn't spent enough 'fighting' drugs, because it most certainly has. See my previous post here.

But that's not all, folks! We can do more. Lets start by taking away some more rights, and follow with expanded government! Lets make it illegal to buy some other things, too. Those guns hurt lots of people. They must be as bad as drugs. Ban 'em! Thanks, Hil!

Politicians- you can't live with them, and you can't kill them. What's a guy to do?