Monday, March 30, 2009

"War cannot be driven out by war, for the use of evil breeds more evil, hostility more hostility, and the use of force more force."

"War cannot be driven out by war, for the use of evil breeds more evil, hostility more hostility, and the use of force more force." - Hans F. Sennholz

The CIA calls it blowback. Or, to quote the Scripture, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galations 6:7. This concept is not limited to men. It also applies to groups, organizations, and nations. Now, I don't say this to sound collectivist. I don't believe that everyone in (or randomly chosen citizens of) a country should pay for the crimes of their rulers. But someday, the chickens will come home to roost, and those who have been wronged don't distinguish between our government and our people. The fact is, the people of this country voted, and by doing so they 'sowed' something. If they 'reap' something back, then they can thank themselves.

But let us break it down Barney-style. Hypothetically: If you punch me, I'm going to punch you back. If you kill my children/parents/etc, I'm going to make sure that you are on the receiving end of some justice. If everyone is Ruritania votes to elect Joe Schmo as president of Ruritania, and president Joe Schmo sends troops to my country, and those troops kill my loved ones, then you can be sure that I would have a very, very large bone to pick with Ruritania. I realize that some in Ruritania might have been against the attack on my country. But, blinded with rage, I probably wouldn't care, and would do anything to avenge my loved ones. A good percentage of the population of America would react like this. I'd say the same probably applies to the world. So, as you can see, bombing civilians doesn't make us safer... it makes us less safe.

Personally, I would not injure anyone not responsible for the deaths of my loved ones. But, those responsible include: the armed forces that did the killing (for pulling the trigger), the military officials that sent troops to my country (for ordering it), the civilian elected officials who ordered the attack (for ordering and starting the attack), and for the voters of those civilian elected officials (who gave their permission to the elected officials to represent them).

Which is one reason why I do not vote.